
About Kemp Po

I got a Bachelor's in Computer Science with a specialization in Data Science and Analytics at Ateneo de Manila University. Previously, I also completed a Data Science Bootcamp that allowed me to sharpen some skills like communicating to my insights to non-technical stakeholders and clearly defining a business problem.

Currently, I work at First Circle, a startup working towards financial inclusion for small and medium enterprises, as a Data Analyst. I am also volunteering for a COVID-19 Philippines LGU Monitoring Platform and helping them develop the different reports and systems to equip our local government units with the necessary information to respond to the pandemic.

I am a data person and problem solver that enjoys developing data products where they are needed. I'm passionate about leveraging data to improve people's lives, not being limited to what I know, but also exploring the different technologies available to me. Some industries that interest me heavily are: finance, health, transportation, energy, and supply chain. Many of these industries can be further improved and expanded through the use of data in optimizing processes and understanding where attention is needed.

About this website

At some point, I realized that I had thoughts and practices that I wanted to share to the world especially in the budding data community in the Philippines, where many people come from the non-Computer Science side of things.

This version of the website you are seeing today is the second iteration. Initially, the website was built on Django and deployed using Docker onto a DigitalOcean server. Eventually, making changes to the website became a chore and styling was a pain. This triggered a moved to Pelican, a static site generator built on Python using a slightly modified version of the Flex theme. The website is now deployed using Netlify.

You can headover to the repo to checkout how the site is built.